Time to be a kid

Freedom and well-being

The new After-hours from Móbile is a specially designed program with the aim to expand the school experience of our students from 2 to 7 years old: from Early Childhood 2 to the 2nd year of Elementary School (for Regular Program) and from Early Childhood 4 to the 2nd year of Elementary School (for Bilingual Program).

For students from the Regular Program

  • From Monday to Friday
  • From 1 to 5 times a week
  • Morning: From 8h10 to 12h40

  • Afternoon: From 13h00 to 17h30

For students from the Bilingual Program

  • Fridays
  • Once a week
  • Afternoon: From 13h00 to 17h30

Development and harmony

Our new After-hours has a diverse portfolio of activities that aims for the socio-emotional, motor and cognitive development of the children. We also consider time for games, resting, lunch and homework.

Placas com as palavras Esportes, Brincadeiras ao ar livre, Linguagens, Artes, Jogos e Culinária

Our home

Safe and welcoming, our home is located close to Móbile, in front of the entrance from Araguari Street. In it, our pupils will have the opportunity to live experiences that will mark their stories, followed by specialized educators and also other children of different ages.

Inscrições e mensalidades para 2025

The amount is charged in 12 installments. Lunch, snacks and transportation are already included in the program.

* Taxa de reserva: R$535,00, descontados da mensalidade de dezembro.


1x por semana: R$ 1.070,00/mês
2x por semana: R$ 1.930,00/mês
3x por semana: R$ 2.730,00/mês
4x por semana: R$ 3.640,00/mês
5x por semana: R$ 4.550,00/mês

Exclusive conditions

20% de desconto R$ 855,00/mês
20% de desconto R$ 1.545,00/mês
20% de desconto R$ 2.185,00/mês
20% de desconto R$ 2.910,00/mês
20% de desconto R$ 3.640,00/mês

Want to know more?

Contact our Service Department

Frequently Asked Questions