
Coniver na Web

Exploring and developing essential abilities for critical and ethical use of digital technologies promoting the comprehension of the responsibilities and rights in the digital environment is one of our agreements in the education of our students who actively participate in the digital society.

Reflections and debates about digital literacy, communication tools and digital productivity, navigation abilities and use of social media platforms, online privacy and responsibility in information sharing, rights and duties of a digital citizen, ethical and responsible behavior in the virtual environment, source and content verification techniques and misinformation impact in the maintenance of a democratic society and intellectual property and copyrights are among the themes proposed to the students of the 4th year of Elementary School at Móbile.

Founded in 2007, the axis Conviver na Web - a branch of the project Conviver Melhor -, a long-lasting project that, ever since Early Childhood Education, aims for the compromise of children and teenagers with citizenship in the collective harmony integrating the many areas from knowledge to practical learning of values such as justice, mutual respect, responsibility and empathy, raising awareness to the importance of these same values in the online consensus.

Our intention with the space - Know More - is to facilitate the access of families to essential material for the emotional, social and behavioral development of the children and teenagers in a society that is profoundly connected and interdependent through digital communication and technology networks.

The growth of the internet made possible the connection between people and organizations everywhere in the world and in real time, demanding from the adults who are responsible for the full-time care of the children and teenagers more qualified mediations that can favour the critical, efficient and ethical navigation through so many digital technologies.

When the adults have aligned ideas and decisions it’s healthier for the child or teenager to understand what is right and wrong and what is expected from them. The consciousness and coherence between representative adults strengthen the internalization of values and ethical principles that will guide their attitudes and choices throughout life.

You will notice that in the KNOW MORE section, there is a tab of material indication for Desligaí – a group that links moms, dads and other guardians of Móbile students and aims to, among other actions, provide a partnership between families to establish suitable and diligent parameters when it comes to the use of smartphones and social media.

Learn More

Get to know EducaMídia a program from the Instituto Palavra Aberta with the support of

How to preserve our freedom of choice in a datafied society?

How can the media identify and fight against structural racism?

What’s the relationship between mediatic education, human rights and digital citizenship?

What are the fundamental principles of Mediatic Education and its practical implications?

Get to know some podcasts that help adults with the orientation of children and teenagers when it comes to surfing the internet and living in harmony on social media in a safe and healthy way.

Read other articles in Nethics.

Book suggestions for adults:

Movie suggestions for adults:


Rated R

Adults, teenagers and children love, suffer, get into relationships and share everything, they’re always connected. The internet is omnipresent and in this big web in which the world has transformed the ideas of society and social interaction get a new meaning. Some situations, such as a couple with no intimacy, a girl who wants to be a better anorexic person, a teenager who lives in a world of virtual pornography, make the spectator rethink human relationships.


Rated R

This drama shows personal stories that link through the horrible effects of excessive use of technology, internet and cell phones. The life of a couple is put in danger when their private life is exposed online, a widower and ex-police officer finds out her son cyberbullies a boy from his school, and a journalist watches her life turn upside down when she researches the story of a teenager who makes erotic performances through his webcam.


Rated R

Will and Lynn have three kids. While one of them is about to start university, the middle child, Annie, starts to present common symptoms of teenagers who want to seem older and accepted by their peers. Will, an accomplished advertiser and very involved with his profession, tries to have a trusting connection with his kids, but Annie starts an online relationship with a 16-year-old boy that she talks to on the phone. Without her parents' knowledge, she accepts his invitation for a date but the surprise she gets on this first date is only the beginning of a nightmare that will scar her and her family forever.


Rated M

The scandal of the consulting agency Cambridge Analytics and Facebook is retold through the story of an American professor. Upon discovering, along with 240 million people, that his personal information was hacked to create political profiles and influence in the 2016 American elections, he embarks on a journey to take this case to court since American laws don’t protect his digital information, but British laws do.


Rated M

The Social Dilemma shows us how the technology moguls have control over the way we think, act and live. Regulars of the Silicon Valley reveal how their social media platforms are reprogramming society and the way we see life.


Rated G

From the testimonials of adults from different generations, origins and professions, the documentary talks about the plurality of playing and about how we can connect with the children that live inside of us. Through contemplations the film shows the different ways of how playing, a primordial action of human nature, can be connected with human behavior and our “ludic spirit”.


PG 13

For the first time in history, mental illness and suicide have become one of the greatest threats to school-aged children. Many parents still view dangers as primarily physical and external, but they’re missing the real danger: kids spending more time online and less time engaging in real life, free play, and autonomy. What are the effects on the next generation's mental, physical, and spiritual health? Childhood was more or less unchanged for millennia, but this is CHILDHOOD 2.0. For more resources and to download a community discussion guide and share with your community, please visit:


Rated G

With a scenery of the mountains and rural lands, the documentary follows a group of children between four and twelve years old that study in a small school in a village in Auvergne. It shows the everyday routine of the children with the aim of showing how they learn to live side by side with others and their desires.


Rated PG

August "Auggie" Pullman is a 10-year-old boy who was born with a rare medical facial deformity, and has undergone 27 different surgeries as a result. Auggie has been home-schooled, but as he approaches fifth grade, his parents decide to enroll him in a private school. He is initially ostracized by nearly the entire student body, but soon forms a close friendship with one of the students.

Rated R

In Coded Bias, when the researcher of MIT Media Lab, Joy Buolamwini, finds out that most of the facial recognition softwares don’t precisely identify the faces with darker skins or incorrectly classifies the faces of women. She investigates the highly biased character of the algorithms. But it just so happens that artificial intelligence is not neutral, and the women are leading the accusation to guarantee that civil rights are protected.

Book suggestions for kids:

Sugestões do grupo Desligaí, formado por famílias da Móbile

Debate do Projeto de Lei n.º 293/24 na ALESP
“Os perigos das telas que você ainda não conhece” - Vanessa Cavalieri e Daniel Becker
“O papel da família e da escola na construção da atuação digital das crianças e dos adolescentes” - Escola Móbile
“Menos eletrônicos, mais conversa, curiosidade e brincadeiras” - Julieta Jerusalinksy
“Devemos dar um celular para as crianças?” – Dra. Ana Escobar e Fernanda Cytrynowicz
1. A Geração Ansiosa - Jonathan Haidt
2. Meu filho Tá Online Demais - Ana Escobar
3. A Fábrica de Cretinos Digitais - Michel Desmurget
4. Crianças e Adolescentes no Mundo Digital - Alessandra Borelli
5. Dopamina: a molécula do desejo - Daniel Pink e Michael E. Long
6. Psicologia do Cotidiano: Como Vivemos, Pensamos e nos Relacionamos Hoje - Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu
7. Psicologia do Cotidiano: Como a ciência explica o comportamento humano- Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu
8. Dependência de Internet em Crianças e Adolescentes: Fatores de Risco, Avaliação e Tratamento - Kimberly S. Young e Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu
9. Intoxicação Digital: Como Enfrentar o mal do milênio - Augusto Cury
10. A Máquina do caos: Como as redes sociais reprogramaram nossa mente e nosso mundo - Max Fisher
11. O cérebro no mundo digital: Os desafios da leitura na nossa era - Maryane Wolf
12. Transformações Mentais: Como as Tecnologias Digitais Estão Deixando Marcas em Nossos Cérebros - Susan Greenfield
13. Geração do quarto: Quando crianças e adolescentes nos ensinam a amar - Hugo Monteiro Ferreira
14. Faça-os ler!: Para não criar cretinos digitais - Michel Desmurget
15. Cérebro Adolescente: O grande potencial, a coragem e a criatividade da mente dos 12 aos 24 anos - Daniel J. Siegel
16. Plasticidade Cerebral e Aprendizagem: Abordagem Multidisciplinar - Newra Telleschea Rotta
17. Intoxicações eletrônicas o sujeito na era das relações - Angela Baptista e Julieta Jerusalinsky
18. Insanidade Digital: Como as Mídias Sociais Estão Afetando Nossa Saúde e o que Fazer Para Recuperar a Sanidade - Nicholas Kardaras
19. Segredos Da Internet Que Crianças E Adolescentes Ainda Não Sabem - Kelly Angelini
20. Nação tarja preta: O que há por trás da conduta dos médicos, da dependência dos pacientes e da atuação da indústria farmacêutica - Dra Anna Lembke
21. Quem educa nossas crianças?: Como evitar que as novas gerações sejam vítimas do consumismo e exploradas pelo marketing das Big Techs - Susan Linn
22. Algoritmos de Destruição em Massa - Catty O’Neil
23. Nexus: Uma breve história das redes de informação, da Idade da Pedra à inteligência artificial - Yuval Noah Harari
24. A Criança em Desenvolvimento - Helen Bee
25. O Cérebro da Criança: 12 estratégias revolucionárias para nutrir a mente em desenvolvimento do seu filho e ajudar sua família a prosperar - Daniel J. Siegel e Tina Payne Bryson
26. Tecnologia na Infância: criando hábitos saudáveis para crianças em um mundo digital - Dra l. Shimi Kang
27. Como Criar Filhos na Era Digital - Dra. Elizabeth Kilbey
28. Inteligência social: A ciência revolucionária das relações humanas - Daniel Goleman
29. Racismo algorítmico: Inteligência artificial e discriminação das redes digitais - Tarcízio Silva (eBook Kindle)
30. Criação com Simplicidade - Kim John Payne & Lisa M. Rosa
31. Irresistível: Por que você é viciado em tecnologia e como lidar com ela - Adam Alter
32. Dez argumentos para você deletar agora suas redes sociais - Jaron Lanier e Bruno Casotti
33. Tela com Cautela - Rafaela Carvalho e Roberta Ferec
34. The Big Disconnect - Catherine Adair
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