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What moves knowledge?

Before anything, passion. The same passion that makes us formulate challenges and create solutions to then transform the world we live in into a better place, attainable for all. A school is a space that is essentially collective.

Since 1975, when it was founded, Móbile has been practicing a democratic and plural education. In our curriculum, we compose different knowledge, coordinated by an experienced pedagogical team who are also dedicated, and, of course, passionate and in constant development. In this sense, we’re proud of our teaching-learning methodologies and our own didactic-pedagogical content of established excellence that balance, with attention and responsibility, tradition and innovation.

Our reality seems to transform itself faster each year and, at Móbile, we’re attentive and ready to follow these changes. A school is also a space of young ideas, concepts and strategies that manifest strength, curiosity and restlessness of the youth which are essential for the discoveries and broadening of knowledge. With this mood, supported by a solid academic foundation, we dialogue with the advancements and reinventions of contemporary education.

In the dialogue, we also find principles of the relationship we establish with each student. Throughout their school trajectory, our educators offer a close and interested orientation in the development of each student, both in academic and socio-emotional terms. We believe that this direction is essential for the development of critical, responsible people who are capable of elaborating and accomplishing their life projects.

Learning, be it social, cultural, artistic, scientific or professional is a product of knowledge; but it’s a product that renews with time, like the conception a person has of themselves and the world and, also, like a mobile. A mobile, it’s worth remembering, is a kinetic sculpture. It’s an object made with movement; it changes all the time, but it also remains always balanced (dynamics) and, so, in harmony.

At Móbile we work, along with our community, to awaken a passion for knowledge by its conception, application and eternal development so that we can, this way, shape people who are more and more restless, accomplished and conscious of their responsibilities and transformation potential.

This is our way to build a better place, attainable for all.

Móbile School - Knowledge in Movement

  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Values

A dream that turned into history

See how our trajectory happened and who are the people who contributed to trail our path and make history in education

Get to know

The beginning of the story that started in the head and heart of the educator Maria Helena Bresser.


Our first address...

Rua Escobar Ortiz, inspired by the idea of ​​dynamic balance present in Alexander Calder's kinetic sculptures

Educating is teaching to mobilize scientific and artistic knowledge

  • The importance of caring and the emotions
  • Competence creates competence
  • Education as a social factor
  • Educating in an ever- changing world
  • Our mission
  • The learning of autonomy
  • The four pillars that support us
  • Why do mobiles inspire us?
  • Respect to diversity

Get to know our vice-principals

Móbile is built by people with different life trajectories, world visions and academic experiences and who are responsible for a humane pedagogical project, practical and contemporary.

Projeto Antiracista

Understanding the contemporary world in a critical way, building a society lined with citizenship, ethics and belonging, in which everyone is welcomed, desired, valued and safe, have been the objectives of the educational project of our school for almost 50 years.

Móbile School is an institution that values plurality and, because of it, since 2021, has been broadening in a significant way the formation and actions For an antiracist Móbile, supported by the desire to build an inclusive community fulfilling the Law 10.639/03 from the Guidelines Laws and National Education Base, that pledges the need to include in school curriculums of basic education the ethical-racial relationships and the teaching of history and culture of africans and african-brazilians.

This front of work happens together with the team of educators, partners of Móbile and the school community. We take on our responsibility in the antiracist education with one collective objective, organized in three pillars, in educational and pedagogical actions:

  • Racial Literacy
  • Literary Literacy
  • Voices of knowledge
  • Curricular Review
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