
Anti-racism Project

Anti-racism Project

Compromised with the construction of an antiracist society, we’ve stablished consistent objectives and coordinated actions that may offer opportunities to reflect on the way we stablish ethnic-racial relationships, considering, above all, the transformations of how we stand when facing this matter. Building an antiracist education demands a systematic performance in many fronts: the selection of school materials, the elaboration and development of pedagogical proposals, the continuous development of educators and other collaborators, the effectiveness of politics of affirmative actions for the hiring of professionals and the creation of programs for the inclusion and permanence of black students. We understand that if a school proposes itself to be antiracist, it needs to think and develop structured actions to fulfill its goals.

In this process we have a Commission and Center of Antiracist Studies and Practices that work on the elaboration of guidelines, goals and proposals for the collective construction of an antiracist education in our school inside the follow themed axes:

  • – Racial literacy;
  • – Curricular review;
  • – Voices of knowledge;
  • – Literary literacy;
  • – Affimative actions.

Outros Projetos