
Community Work

Community Work

To accommodate even more to the world in which they’re living, our students participate in many projects of community work that broaden their view about the many social realities, strengthening their sense of belonging, self esteem and self confidence. Our community work makes it possible to have democratic and transformative practices.

Apart from allowing the development of the protagonism and autonomy, our students start to recognize their own rights and duties as citizens: broadening the ability to work collectively and dealing with diversity, the difference and conflict. They realize that knowledge has a social purpose and not purely induvial.

Reading Club

The students from Middle School enroll in an activity that involves a cultural exchange between children and teenagers that live different experiences, aiming to develop attitudes of solidarity, respect, cooperation and appreciation of diversity. In partnership with the NGO Casa da Amizade, our teenagers prepare weekly activities connected to reading and games that allow the broadening of the cultural repertoire of the children and teenagers cared for at Casa da Amizade. These meetings happen in our campus but also at the NGO, located in Paraisópolis.


Digital Literacy

The process of digital literacy consists of the literacy and education of people in a virtual environment since the operation of apps and roles, until the security and ethic online. The volunteer students from Middle School specialize themselves in the teaching of prevention against schemes and how to recognize them, which actions to take and the use of apps such as Meu RH and different banks. Also, basic and advanced configuration of gadgets.

The Project aims to help and offer support to the collaborators of all the areas of the school when it comes to apps, roles and more specific elements of computers and cellphones. With this, supporting the prevention against schemes and making their daily routine easier, taking into consideration the many processes that needs to be done virtually.

(text written by students who are part of the project)

Donating Stories Project

The Donating Stories Project aims to gather children and youth school books in good condition in order to increase the collection from NGO libraries or public school that tend to families in vulnerable situations. To broaden the disclosure and collection of books, apart from reflecting and researching on the importance of reading, our students elaborated a website and Instagram account to share the project.

Be a part Institute

The Be a Part Institute is an organization of civil society, founded in 2001, with the mission to promote the culture of volunteering, stimulating the active participation of the youth in the construction of a country more socially fair.

The Stamp Solidary School was created in 2003 and given every two years to Brazilian school that have activities and projects of educative volunteering. Out of the five editions, we got the five stamps.

Hand-in-hand Culture

Part-time period.

One of the greatest goals of the project is to show the importance of caring about others and the potential collective transformation that, from early on, each child carries with them. The Project consists of a community work that involves the pedagogical teams and the Primary school students. Our pupils have the opportunity to open up to new experiences, sometimes far from their own, awakening their ability to empathy, respect, cooperation, appreciation to diversity and social responsibility.

Plantando - Escola Móbile

“Not just the students, but all the professionals at Móbile have the responsibility to engage in one of the community work projects. It’s important that each one contributes adopting actions that speak with their own skills.”

Outros Projetos